what i never dared to tell you.
Saturday, November 6, 2010 @ 10:17 PM

anonymous shoutouts.

1. i never really get to tell you that im thankful that you are the bitchy side to me. and thank you for shouting me and thank you for being rich. lol joke, in all seriousness, one of my closest chick friends out, i think the only reason why we can stand each other is because we dislike the same things.

2. if this were to be done in order of who i was thinking of writing to first, then you would be first.. haha but i didn't wanna seem like a retard, because everytime i talk to you i feel like im getting judged. the truth, brah, is that... i feel like i know you . LOL you don't understand how freaky that feels. And you're pretty admirable. heck, you're probably going to read this questioning if i'm writing about you. But yes I am. LOL. and btw, im sorry if i annoy you, and nag and go all "rude."and you think im angry /

3. why are you so complicated? im not even joking. please act like a man. LOL. (thats rich coming from me aye.) i dunno, you're very defensive, and i always start convos. its annoying, but i guess at the end of the day you're the one who listens to my constant whining

4. i think you contracted my obsessive disease . im sorry. lol, ill try find some antibiotics to try and cure you.

5. fuckyou. and for all of you who've decided to take a side, fuck you too. a fight between two doesn't mean a fight between 213980 assholes. just, back off, things are done in private for a reason.