Saturday, October 30, 2010 @ 9:20 PM

For all the you may know, for all that you may have heard, for all that you have seen and as great as what you've been given.
The following could be taken into consideration; the concept of contriving an underlying statement into the bullshit I just wrote, or just dismissing the claims of the above statement.

If the future was so foreseeable as Anwyn Yap predicts, than the following is bound to happen:
- controversy.
- controversy.
and -controversy.

What we tend to not realise is this young asian girl's true capabilities; that inside she is a machine that can predict the future; so for future reference, listen to her.

Is it weird adding randoms? Lately, an inundation (ok I lie.) one person added me on facebook; and decided they were going to start talking to me. What am I supposed to do, besides be socially awkward (yes, how is that even possible on facebook?)

To Geeth Geeganage, Justin Teo, Lemuella Lajara and Pete Gray, who I dogged at the last minute today. My bad :(

btw; since when do we celebrate Halloween? This is all your fault, uncle sam.